Should you be wearing opaque white tights if you’re over 20?

white opague stockings tights black high heel pumps black leather skirt white blouse

And should you wear your opaque white tights with black pumps?

We decided to do an experiment today. We decided to see how white tights would look with black high heeled pumps. More precisely, how do opaque white tights (white opaque stockings) look with black high heeled pumps worn with a white top and a black skirt?

Cue the horror music…

First of all, should you even be wearing opaque white tights if you’re over 20?

We were curious to know if there are rules about adult women wearing white tights so we typed the question “can adult women wear white tights?” into Google to see what turned up.

On the website we came across a question someone posted. She was asking if women over the age of 30 can wear white stockings with daytime outfits. She went on to share how she herself stopped wearing white stockings when she was 28 because she realized no other adult women were wearing white stockings.

She wrote: I never saw women above 30 wearing white stockings in public/ on the streets. Only in magazines!  Why don’t women above 30  wear white stockings?

For the most part it seems that white stockings, whether they are opaque or not, are considered tacky for adult women to wear.

But we did come across some favorable opinions. We also came across a poll asking if adult women should wear opaque white tights. And 69% of the people who voted selected the answer “Yes, it’s a sexy look“. Of course only 29 people voted so that’s not necessarily a reliable poll.

So we’re turning the question over to you for discussion. What do you think about opaque white tights being worn by adult women?

Our experiment…

black pumps white opaque stockingsWhite opaque stockings seem to have a rep for being something little girls wear. We did browse Google images and found a few pics featuring adult women wearing opaque white tights, and for the most part the ladies looked perfectly fine. Even so, we definitely thought our white opaque tights look brought to mind a young girl experimenting with her look. She thinks she looks perfectly okay, but twenty years into the future when she looks at a picture of what she was wearing today, she’ll think she looked a hot mess.

If you’re going to be stepping out wearing a white blouse black skirt outfit, don’t wear opaque white stockings with black high heeled pumps.

We might go so far as to say never wear white opaque stockings with black high heeled pumps at all, regardless whether you’re wearing a white blouse black skirt outfit or not.

The white opaque stockings black pumps look just didn’t look appropriate for a grown up girl. And it didn’t look appropriate for any occasion we could imagine, except maybe for church.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

Discussion suggestions

Do you own a pair of white opaque stockings? If so do you ever wear them? And with what type of outfit do you typically wear them?

Do you agree that white tights are for little girls and that no woman over the age of twenty should ever wear them?



  1. In the winter, I often wear white or off-white wool knee socks with a long skirt. Also, the same for cable knit tights.

    • I love to wear tights n pantyhose all yr round an 24/7….I can’t get enough of wearing them ! is awesome!

  2. I love the clean look of white (versus the cream/ivory). And I love the contrast of white & black *so if not black pumps, what color?).

    However my friends say I should never, never wear them (but look at the 2019 Toyota commercial with the salesgirl in a red skirt & white opaque hose).

    So, is there a time/place/outfit where one can wear opaque white tights? Sheer ones? Ivory/cream instead?

    (FYI, I am 68, and my legs are still shapely, and sometimes I do want to draw attention to them) 🙂

  3. I think white tights are super cute even though they are mostly worn by preteen and early teen girls but I am a girly girl so I love wearing them with shorts or plaid skirts, short dresses ECT am I 23.


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