saurbe magazine confidence issue

Introducing SAURBÉ magazine.

May 2022

The Confidence Issue

SAURBÉ pronounced /saw-bay/ is a magazine for whoever appreciates it and gets anything valuable out of it. It’s for the ones who can identify with what it means to have to create your own opportunities to be seen and heard in a world that will shut you out because you happen to be a little bit different.

Inside the “Confidence” issue we offer suggestions for growing your self confidence, understanding why you feel envy and jealousy towards others and learning how to get over those feelings, and ideas for focusing on loving and celebrating your own awesome self.

Inside the May 2022 Issue of SAURBÉ

saurbe magazine issue 15
saurbe magazine live your life colorfully
SAURBÉ magazine the cofidence issue

Monica SAURBÉ mock covers

I wanted to be a model when I was young, but at five feet and four inches in height and lacking any standout physical attributes, my modeling dreams amounted to a silly fantasy. When I was sixteen and seventeen, I used to walk around New York with a large album of photos that I would tell people was my modeling portfolio. They all would look at me like I was pathetic. I’ve been pretend modeling since I was a teenager. It is through pretend modeling that I learned to see myself through my own eyes and to appreciate and understand myself and have compassion and love for myself. No one is ever going to put me on a magazine cover so I’ve created my own magazine.

Adelamonica saurbé mock cover issue 0001
Saurbé Magazine
Saurbé magazine mock cover the orange and green issue with adelamonica

Saurbe is free to download. If you liked the magazine and would like to help us keep it growing, follow the Instagram accounts and subscribe to the Youtube accounts below.
