Clothes that make you go ‘WTF?’ – Musée lampshade hem pencil skirt


So today we saw this Musée lampshade hem pencil skirt on the website, and we were like WTF?

It’s always fun when we come across these interesting items of clothing. Sameness can get pretty dull. When everything is the same and every body is the same then nothing is interesting. Nothing catches your attention. Nothing makes you do a double take and gets your mind out of its funk of thinking how boring everything is because of all the sameness.

Musée lampshade hem pencil skirt
Image via – Musée
lampshade hem pencil skirt

What do you think of this lampshade hem pencil skirt?

Musée lampshade hem pencil skirt

For sure it’s interesting. It’s definitely a conversation piece. But is it something you would wear?

We know for sure that style is subjective and everyone gets excited about different things and there will be people who will in fact love this skirt. And some people just have a knack for knowing how to take anything and make it look awesome.

We’re not sure we would be able to effectively style a skirt like this ourselves. For sure we wouldn’t pair it with man-style oxfords. But what kind of shoes would work with it? Not pumps for sure. We can’t see it looking good with pumps. Maybe pointy toe stiletto ankle boots? You almost want to go with something that is equally out there. Trying to tone down this skirt by pairing it with sane shoes seems silly.

To the question of whether or not we would wear this skirt…

We probably wouldn’t have the nerve to wear it out in public. We can just see it now, everybody we pass turning their head to look at us with a classic WTF expression on their face. Can you imagine getting onto a public bus wearing this skirt? Would take far more self confidence to than we possess to pull it off. So yeah, we probably wouldn’t wear it in public. But in private for a fun photo session why not?

More skirt details

The skirt comes with a $455 price tag. It’s materials composition:6% pandex/Elastane, 20% Cotton, 54% Viscose, 20% Modal.

Your cup of tea?

You can get this skirt at

Speaking of Lampshade skirts

Remember the Spring Summer 2011 Mary Katrantzou Lampshade skirt collection?

Mary Katrantzou lampshade skirt spring summer 2011
Image via – Mary Katrantzou lampshade skirt spring summer 2011

Yeah, we don’t remember it either. But we came across some of the pictures today after looking up lampshade hem skirts. Cute right? Wonder how they’re made. The way they keep that lampshade shape, it hardly seems like they can be made in such a way that you can do practical things in them like, sit down for example.

Mary Katrantzou lampshade skirt spring summer 2011
Image via – Mary Katrantzou lampshade skirt spring summer 2011

But these skirts must have created quite some buzz when they were showcased. So much gorgeous artistry.

Ask the editor

Have you ever worn something that you thought looked good only to have other people ask you WTF are you wearing? And then you never wore the thing again?

I’ve probably worn many things. But one thing that comes to mind were a pair of purple baggy, parachute-style pants that I once wore to high school. People didn’t exactly ask me what the **** I was wearing but I did get enough up and down looks and giggles to figure out for myself that the pants were a huge fail. I think I’d even worn them with a bulky purple sweater. Think Barney the purple dinosaur…


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