Today Last month, I came across a post I wrote in 2014 titled “What’s Your Boot Personality”. I didn’t even remember ever writing the post. It’s very interesting because it shows how things can change over time.
**Photos in this post are stock images licensed via

For the past several months I’ve mostly been publishing content featuring images of myself wearing thigh high stiletto boots. And more recently, faux leather and latex outfits. The consequence is that I’ve unintentionally put an idea out there that I’m a fetish model.
About the boot personality question…

In the 2014 post I wrote the following:
While I love the look of stiletto ankle boots and believe that I would have more stilettos in my closet in another life, in reality I am more of a tomboy type than a girly-girl type. So if I were given the choice between stiletto boots and combat boots and told to pick the style that is more true to the way I live my life I would have to choose combat boots.
I think what I wrote in the 2014 post was 100% accurate at that time. But the reverse has become true in the present. I’d be more likely to choose the stiletto boots today.

I definitely feel like I have multiple personalities–not in the clinical psychosis sense. I go through different stages and phases and at each stage and phase I have different interests when it comes to clothing and the way I feel like dressing. Right now I’m enjoying my body and feeling totally free and empowered in my ownership of my self. I’m loving wearing thigh high boots with stiletto heels and I find myself being drawn only to boots with high stiletto heels at this time. I should make it clear that this is as it pertains to my pretend modeling. As I am writing this post, I’m wearing my comfy snow boots and a big fluffy blue robe. I’ll never say never, but it’s unlikely you will ever find me out and about wearing most of the outfits I’ve been wearing in my posts lately. You’d have to go back in time to when I was a teenager or in my early twenties.
What your shoes say about you

If you’ve read enough of my posts you know that, despite what is said and believed by many, I don’t personally believe clothes tell you anything about a person. I know for sure what I wear tells you nothing about me. You might assume things and feel confident your assumptions are accurate because you firmly believe that a person is this thing or that if they wear X Y or Z style of clothing, shoes or whatever. But nothing I wear gives insight into who I am. And I will never assume to know anything about who you are based on what you are wearing. That seems obviously absurd to me.
Take the leather and latex for example…
I’m developing a little bit of a reputation due to the thigh high boots and leather/latex outfits I’ve been wearing of late in my Monica style practice and “The Monica Archives” posts. Based on some comments that were made to me by someone who reached out wanting to get to know me after seeing my videos, it would seem I’m telegraphing that I’m a certain type of lady by the choices of clothing and boots I’ve been wearing. It’s very interesting because in the 2014 “What’s Your Boot Personality” post, I made that very point, that one should keep in mind when wearing certain types of boots that just by wearing these certain types of boots one could give an impression of being a certain “type”. I did not add, but should have added, you would give that impression to people who subscribe to this school of thought and who practice judging people by their clothing.
You might like your stiletto ankle boots just because you think they’re nice and you like how they make you look and how they boost your confidence when you wear them. But did you know that there’s an element of erotica associated with stiletto boots? There is such a thing as a stiletto boot fetish. So when buying your stiletto boots, whether they are ankle boots, mid-calf, knee-high or over the knee boots, you might want to keep in mind that the higher and pointier the heels and the pointier the toes, the greater the risk of giving an impression about yourself that might not accurately reflect your lifestyle interests and your personality. (source)
So, what's my boot personality?

My boot personality varies depending on different factors. For going out in the real world in nice weather I more often wear ankle boots no higher than 3-inch heels. The heel style is stiletto but not too thin. A heel height and style that allows me to walk comfortably. I get around mostly on foot. In the cold weather I’ll wear my big comfy snow boots. They have no heels.
The boots I’ve been wearing in my videos are strictly for wearing in my play modeling sessions at home. And for that I prefer thigh high boots and ankle boots with a higher and thinner heel. The thinner the better as long as it’s not so thin that it breaks while I’m trying to walk in it.
There’s something about boots that I prefer over other styles of shoes. My favorite pair of shoes are my black snow boots. I’ve had them forever. My second favorite are a pair of 3-inch black leather ankle boots. I’m more likely to be found wearing one or the other. I feel confident in both, but in a different way.
I’m sure the boots phase will pass at some point, but for now I’m just going to keep enjoying expressing my aliveness the way I feel inspired to do.
What’s your boot personality?