Style Spotlight Dathias Hoang

Dathias Hoang wearing topman topcaot yesstyle maroon suit dharma eyewear co sunglasses daniel wellington watch burberry tie white shirt
Dathias Hoang from wearing brown topcoat over a maroon suit
Central Park Affair @
Central Park Affair @

Blogger, stylist, art director Dathias Hoang can be found at showing the fashion conscious man how to “shop smart” but “look expensive”. Here are some of our favorite of Dathias’ looks from his page.

Wolf Of Wall Street @
Wolf Of Wall Street @

In this look Dathias aims to tackle “the traditional style of Wall Street with a modern approach”. In his blog post titled “Wolf of Wall Street”, he demonstrates how black and blue can work together to create a powerful look that veers away from the “untailored suit, heavy tie, and big suspenders” that he calls the “traditional style of Wall Street”. Check out his post for more pictures and to read more of his thoughts on how to effectively dress to close a deal.

Wonderland @
Wonderland @

There are some nice words of wisdom for dreamers included in Dathias’ November 10 2014 post titled “Wonderland” in which he showcases a brown long coat that he purchased from a thrift store for $12. In this look Dathias aims to demonstrate how a key piece can make all the difference in brining your whole look together. Check out the post on his blog to read more and view additional pictures with this look. As for the words of wisdom, they are very simple yet powerful. We’ve all heard them before but sometimes we need to be reminded: Do the things you want to do. Don’t just sit around thinking about doing them.

Blank Page @
Blank Page @

Demonstrating a “casual chic” look with a coat from the UK brand Topman, gray wool pants, a plain white t-shirt and Vans sneakers. Check out the post “Blank Page” for more pics with this look.

Rugged @
Rugged @

Dathias wears a vest from a 3-piece suit with ripped jeans and Vans sneakers. Other pieces include a Gap shirt and a black coat. The objective: to show how to take one item from a 3-piece suit and use it to create a new look. See more in the post “Rugged“.


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