JUS By Julie JUS + Soup 3 day cleanse review interview with Angella

jus by julie jus soup 3 day cleanse
jus by julie jus soup 3 day cleanse

My Fashion Wants: What was your reason for trying the JUS by Julie 3-Day Jus + Soup cleanse?

Angella: I wanted to see if it would help me with getting back some energy—feeling energized—and getting a jumpstart and feeling more motivation towards exercising. And I also wanted to see if it could help me lose a couple of pounds.

My Fashion Wants: And did you find that it helped with any of these things?

Angella: Yes, actually I did. Even though by the second day I was ready to devour everything in sight just to be able to chew on something solid, I managed to stick it out. And after the third day was over and done with I didn’t find that I wanted to jump on the first solid thing I could find, or eat anything unhealthy (because I do have a sweet tooth). And I did feel that overall my body was looking a little less tubby.JUS By Julie JUS + Soup 3 day cleanse

Shop JUS By Julie juice cleanses

My Fashion Wants: How would you describe your experience with the cleanse?

Angella: My experience with it was that it wasn’t at all what I thought it might have been. I didn’t expect to actually enjoy the food. Even though I don’t know that the food was sufficiently filling. I did kind of feel at times a lack of sustenance. I felt like I couldn’t wait for my next drink/soup. But as each day progressed. I realized that at the end of the cleanse I would actually be benefiting from having my internal body cleaned of adulterants, and so, by the end of the second day I actually wished that I had elected to do more than the 3 days. It felt good to have my meals pre-planned and ready for me. I think that was probably the biggest benefit. Because if I was in public and didn’t have my food with me, the temptation to eat something would have been greater. But having the food already prepared and being able to take it with me made it easier to stick to the cleanse. And although I did feel a little deprived of food, I never felt so weak like I was going to faint. I didn’t feel angry or frustrated like people can sometimes get when hungry. And when it was done I almost didn’t want to put back anything into my body that would begin the corrupting process again.

So, on the fourth day I actually continued a completely liquid diet. I bought some juices and made some soup. But by the fifth day, I felt I had to re-introduce some salad and other solids. But I did have mostly juices and soups on that day as well. I have since had some sweets here and there; but I am still mostly on a good track.

My Fashion Wants: So you would say the cleanse was effective?

Angella: Yes, definitely. It helped to jump-start my effort to get myself back on track, which was my main purpose for doing it.

My Fashion Wants: Would you ever try another JUS by Julie cleanse and would you recommend the cleanse to others?

Angella: Yes, absolutely I would try it again if I had the financial means to afford it. I did follow up about buying some soups and juices the day I finished the cleanse. But after I checked the prices it seemed to make more sense to buy the necessary ingredients from the grocery store and make my own juices and soups. It would be convenient to have it arrive on my doorstep already made and ready to be consumed; but I think it’s not in my budget right now. And yes, I would recommend it to a friend.


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