Here’s another honey hair mask demonstrated on curly hair
Yesterday we shared a video demo of a honey hair mask treatment. That treatment was applied to straight hair. Today we are sharing a demo of the same treatment as applied on curly hair.
We have to admit, all the things that go into having great hair, whether your hair is bone straight or the most extreme opposite of that, are just a bit much for us. We can’t see ourselves becoming as dedicated to our hair as some of these girls on youtube. They all have great hair and it’s tempting to want to try to get hair like theirs, but there’s so much work involved. We saw one girl put like about a million things on her hair; and it’s like you have to be concerned with your hair in some way shape or form 24 hours per day 7 days per week. That’s just too much. Maybe there’s a reason there aren’t many over 30 women making youtube videos dedicated to their haircare routine? What woman over 30 has time to be that preoccupied with her hair?
But we’re all for finding easy ways to manage our hair. After all, even if you’re 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100–you engage in some form of daily hair care and hair styling. So anything that can make your life easier and potentially give you a little boost in confidence is a good thing right?
And let’s be honest with ourselves and each other — hair makes a difference. It’s not really about the length though, because some women look way more stunning with short hair than they do with long hair. But if you’re not one of those women who can rock a short style, you want a length of hair that you can do something with.
So even if you’re not one to let your hair take over your life, giving your hair a little extra loving attention a few times per week can’t hurt. It may not result in you growing hair the length of Rapunzel’s, but it might just give you stronger, healthier hair that easier to manage. We know ladies in their sixties and beyond who are still messing with their hair every day trying to keep it up. So, for as long as you have hair on your head, even if it’s a full head of gray hair, you’re going to be fussing with it in one way or another. Might as well commit to trying to make it as strong and healthy as it can possibly be.
Here is the recipe for the honey hair mask treatment
- Honey
- Oilive Oil
- Egg
In a small bow, mix together 2 tablespoons of honey with a raw egg (including yolk) and 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil. For thicker hair you might need to double the amounts.
First shampoo your hair, then add the treatment (it’s going to take the place of your conditioner). Cover your head with a shower cap and leave on the treatment for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes rinse treatment out and proceed with your usual steps that you take after you have shampooed and conditioned your hair.
Remember to check at before you run to the grocery store to get your honey. You might be able to score a 2-for-1 or 3-for-1 deal that gives you 2 or 3 bottles of raw organic honey for the price of 1 bottle.
Honey well 100% raw organic pure honey…