A few weeks back I saw some pictures of Beyonce covered in painted on jewelry. I wasn’t sure what to think. The painted on jewelry designs were cute but they seemed kind of pointless for the simple fact that Beyonce doesn’t need to paint on her jewelry. But obviously painting on jewelry (flash tattoos as they are apparently called) is something you do for fun and Beyonce is still a little girl at heart. At least so she seems. But what about painted on jewelry for the rest of us? Are flash tattoos an alternative to flashy jewelry we can’t afford? And are they wearable in autumn and winter or only in summer?
Flash Tattoos Sheebani Tattoo Pack
4 sheets of assorted temporary tattoos.
An interesting idea for replacing real jewelry with flash tattoos depicting jewelry. I would imagine flash tattoos are intended more as a summer thing. Skin is covered up in fall and winter so they would seem pointless at this time of year; but then again you could do flash tattoos for finger decorations. The hands can still be visible in fall and winter.
How to apply flash tattoos
You will be amazed by how quick and easy it is to apply your Flash Tattoo with the help of a little water. For best application, ask a friend to help position your Flash Tattoo so your skin does not twist or stretch. You want to make sure your skin is clean, dry and free of any oils or the tattoo will not adhere. Cut out the tattoo as close to the edge as possible (this is important later when you need to line it up) and remove the clear sheet. Place the tattoo face down on your skin and hold a wet cloth against it for about 30 seconds. Peel the paper aside then pat gently with the wet cloth. Tada! Be sure not to twist or stretch skin until the tattoo has had time to set (at least 10 minutes). Flash Tattoos look best after they have had an hour or two to set into the skin. (source)
Flash Tattoos Goldfish H20 Tattoo Pack
While the idea of painting on your jewelry is interesting, is it practical even as something to do for summer fun? I guess if you have people to paint on your flash tattoos for you while you sit back and relax there’s no tedium involved. Or if you’re a very patient and creative person the process could actually be quite relaxing; but if you’re the type who needs instant gratification it might not turn out to be worth spending hours painting on your jewelry versus just seconds to slip it on, fasten it if needed and go. But painting on your jewelry does give you some advantages. At least you can depend on it not to ever move about. It will stay put where you paint it.
This look is definitely for summer time. And you probably won’t want to try it out unless you have the body for a body chain. Body chains are hot if you can pull them off like Rihanna. And a body chain flash tattoo at least won’t get in your way while, assuming the accuracy of the picture, looking as good as the real thing.
Images via boutiquetoyou.com