Up until recently I’ve always been afraid to admit when I don’t agree that something classified as ‘high style’ is as hot as people claim. Like this Balenciaga asymmetric coat…
I would previously have avoided admitting that this Balenciaga asymmetric coat looks more awkward to me than hot or chic or any of the words that might be used to describe it. To me it looks like someone was super drunk or still half asleep when they buttoned their coat and headed out for the day.

And frankly, the shoes shown above look crazy to me as well. But this post is about the Balenciaga asymmetric coat, not about the Balenciaga pumps that for some reason make me think about race car driving.
Pardon the interruption. I know you’re trying to read this article!Don’t forget to check out my single “Baby Thanks A Million” and follow me on Spotify. I need to get that Spotify count up! Who’ll be kind enough to make it go up by 1?
This Balenciaga asymmetric coat comes with a $4150 USD price tag. Can you imagine paying that kind of money to go out of your house looking like a lunatic? Frankly you can just grab your own coat, get a giant safety pin and pin up the jacket to make it look like you’re drunk or half asleep when you got dressed.
The Balenciaga asymmetric coat style seems to be a theme for their collection.
Pretty much all the coats and jackets in the collection have this general style where one side hangs lower down that the other and the coat is buttoned or zipped in that drunken askew style.
I know this look is probably the height of style from the perspective of the hardcore fashion lovers. But I am not a hardcore fashion lover, and it’s not in my true nature to pretend like I see the beauty in something just because everybody else says it’s beautiful. If I was given an offer of $4150 but told the only thing I could do with it was purchase this coat, I would pass. Because what would I do with this coat? It looks like it’s not even comfortable. And who wants to be weighed down with a big heavy coat that feels like it’s not buttoned right?
All of that said, when the coat is not on a model, it looks interesting in an artsy way. Artistically I give it high marks for design.

But as something to wear, I’m not in love with this Balenciaga asymmetric coat. And it’s not because I expect every item of clothing to look the same as everything before it. I can appreciate style that is different and unique. But at the end of the day, comfort trumps style for me, and this coat just doesn’t look like it wears comfortably. Of course, looks can be deceiving for better or worse. This could actually be the most comfortable coat you will ever wear. Who knows?
Love the coat? Have the money to afford it? You can find it on Stylebop.com
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