Amazon cheap Birkin bags alternatives?

Carbotti Birkin Inspired Style Classico Leather Handbag

There are no such things as cheap Birkin bags

But there are such things as bags that are inspired by the Hermes Birkin bag. The closest you will come to finding cheap Birkin bags are the number of “inpsired by” Birkin style bags available at Among the many options are the the Carbotti Birkin Inspired Style handbags.

Carbotti Birkin Inspired Style Classico Leather Handbag 35cm Black

Carbotti Birkin Inspired Style Classico Leather Handbag 35cm Black
This bag currently has only 1 review on Amazon. The review is favorable, rating the bag 5 stars out of 5; but with only 1 review you naturally can’t take the customers word for it. The bag is said to be made of Italian hand grained palmellato calf leather and features gold-toned hardware. It’s described as being of “larger size”. The dimensions are 13.8 x 6.7 x 11.4 inches.

Carbotti Birkin Inspired Style Classico Leather Handbag 35cm Tan

Carbotti Birkin Inspired Style Classico Leather Handbag 35cm Tan
Like the Carbotti Birkin Inspired Style Classico Leather Handbag 35cm Black, the Carbotti Birkin Inspired Style Classico Leather Handbag 35cm Tan is made of Italian hand grained palmellato calf leather and features gold-toned hardware. The bag is said to be made “entirely in Italy by artisans”.

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Carbotti Birkin inpsired style handbags are not your only options for finding affordable leather bags that look similar in style to the Hermes Birkin bag. Brands like Charming & Chic, Beauté Bags and Fineplus also make designer inspired handbags including designer inspired options for cheap Birkin bags.
Italian Leather Birkin Inspired New Aqua Green Colour Handbag with Gold Trim

But is it even legal to sell bags “inspired by” Birkin bags?

Technically “inspired by” designer bags aren’t aiming to pass themselves off as being the actual designer bag. They are also not calling themselves replicas. A handbag design “inspired by” a high end designer bag style is typically considered different from a replica or knock-off. It admits that the style is inspired by the designer version but makes no attempt to suggest itself as being a product designed to allow the user to fool anyone into thinking the bag is the designer version. It does not bear the designer brand’s name or logo or other trademark symbol. But since we are no experts ourselves we highly recommend that you do your own research. We do know that some designer brands have pushed for punishing not just sellers of replicas and knock-offs but also buyers. But it does appear for the most part that handbags “inspired by” designer handbags are excluded provided they do not infring copyright or trademark and cannot be mistakenly thought to be the designer brand.


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