While trees are a fantastic aesthetic addition to any property, they have much more than aesthetic value. Trees are important parts of any ecosystem, including the small ecosystem around your property at home. Here are some of the natural benefits of trees and why you should consider planting some on your property.
Provide Shade for Your Home and Yard
While it may seem like a simple benefit, having a shaded yard has many uses. Shade can help preserve your lawn by protecting it from direct sunlight and heat. If your trees are in the sun’s path to your home, they can also block the rays from shining through your windows and overheating your home. This is especially useful for keeping your home cool in the summertime.
Reduce Stormwater Runoff and Erosion
The dense root patterns from established trees help reduce stormwater runoff. This helps prevent erosion around your property, which can cause a slew of issues. Erosion can cause cracks in your home’s concrete installations or foundation. Runoff can also pollute our waterways and cause communal damage, so it’s important that all homes in your area plant trees.
Environmental Benefits
Another environmental benefit of planting trees around your home is that they promote better air quality. Trees help filter dust and pollutants from the air we breathe and turn those pollutants into oxygen. Planting trees is especially important in areas that experience air pollution or struggle with maintaining air quality levels.
Add Value to Your Property
Well-placed trees can add value to your property in several ways. Grown trees can provide privacy and block views to your windows, nearby streets, or your neighbor’s property. It’s important to consider planting trees on your property for the future. If you ever plan to sell your home, having established trees on your lot can increase interest from potential buyers and add to your home’s value. Trees take time to grow and mature, so consider planting trees sooner than later so you can start enjoying the benefits and extra value they can add.
Now that you know the natural benefits of planting trees on your property, you may want to consider adding more seedlings. Consider which trees are best to add to your lawn based on your local climate, and find a landscaper in your area to get started.