Spring Detox: Body & Mind

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Spring is the best time for complete mind and body detox. You are ready to shed your winter tiredness, dry skin, and gloomy mood and to start anew in the beautiful spring sun. Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight and you are bound to need to invest some time and careful planning as to execute the most holistic spring detox that will make you feel rejuvenated and completely clear headed.

Here are some great steps you can take in order to successfully detox your mind and body this spring.

Start with your itinerary

If you truly want to detox your mind start by unloading some of the daily stress. Try to jumble up your itinerary so that you have enough time for yourself in order to rest and relax. Finding time for yourself is essential. Whether it is a couple of hours a week or even better a day, your “me” time is precious and you need to preserve it. What you want to do during this period is up to you. Whether it’s yoga, meditation, reading or even home cleaning as long as it helps you clear your mind and lowers the stress levels you are good to go.

Then move on to your diet

Detoxing your body from the inside out is a must if you want to feel healthier and have more energy this spring. Over the winter months we all tend to overeat a bit, it is the biggest holiday season after all. And to be honest, the multiple layers that we have to wear help us hide it quite nicely. Now that the spring is here and the layers are off it is time to kick it up a notch and get those necessary antioxidants and vitamins to clear your body of toxins. Start by introducing some superfoods like blueberries and goji berries. The next step is to exclude process sugars and lower your carbohydrates intake. Finally get more fish into your daily diet as it will provide you with the much needed omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Don’t forget about fruit and vegetables for that additional fiber and vitamin kick.

Next comes your home

There is no point in detoxing your mind and body if the environment you live in is full of toxins. So start by spring cleaning your home. Get all the clutter out, air out all the rooms, dust everything and give your fabrics a good wash. You should also consider getting an air purifier for mold as it can really help you get rid of this dangerous fungus. Don’t forget to clean your windows and get that sunlight in. Finally, give your wardrobe a once over, get rid of things you don’t wear and put away the winter clothes.

Now it is time for some pampering

You have made time for yourself, started your detox from the inside out and cleared all the toxins from your environment, it is now time to pamper your body a bit. Step one is, of course, exfoliation. Get a quality natural exfoliant for your face and body, like sea salt of ground coffee. It is time to get rid of that old dry skin and make way for new, silky one. Next, make sure you moisturize enough, winter always does a number on our skin with that cold dry air and lack of sunlight. So getting that natural softness and elasticity back to our skin is a must. Finally, make sure you make yourself a great detox bath from time to time. That way you’ll open your pores, get those toxins out and at the same time relax and just enjoy your me time. Adding some essential oils can do wonders for your mind and body.

End the whole process with a trip

You might wonder why a trip, but changing up your environment is essential for a true detox. It doesn’t have to be a long or a distant trip, even a weekend getaway will do. The point is to change your everyday routine, take some time to make some future planes and experience new things. It is important to take this trip alone as you need time for inner reflection, to cleanse your mind from negativity and relax. Your destination should preferably be somewhere in nature away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. Even a ride to the beach could do wonders for you spring detox.

You are now ready to get that spring detox going. You need it. Helping our body recover its strength and energy after a long winter is essential for leading a healthy life. And making time for ourselves and for doing the things we love will save us from the stress of everyday life and help us cope with any given situation that we are presented with.


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