So I made myself a red satin dress


Back in late September of this year I made myself a red satin dress. I don’t think it came out badly considering my sewing skills are still basically beginner level and I don’t know anything about fashion design. It took me 2 days to make it. And as with most everything I do, it was a case of taking fabric in hand and working it into whatever came of it once I was done. I enjoyed making it and I’ve had fun taking pictures wearing it. And that’s the point of it all for me. I made the dress because I wanted to take some pictures in a long red satin dress but I didn’t have such a dress and I couldn’t find any that I could afford so I decided to try and make my own. Admittedly it’s not the best red satin dress ever made; but I can always try again to make another one. For my first DIY red satin dress, I’ll regard this a success. I like the design that I ended up with. It has some technical issues with the sleeve and neck parts, but the idea of it has potential. I do wish I had made a dress with sleeves since I hate baring my arms; but I wasn’t confident I would be able to put in sleeves. So far with all of my completed sewing projects I haven’t done anything with sleeves, but maybe I’ll attempt a long sleeved blouse or something next.

Here are some pictures I took on Saturday wearing my red satin dress.

Posing in my red satin dress Saturday November 19th 2016

I also made a turquoise blue satin dress. Originally my intention was to make a red and blue satin dress, so I purchased red and blue satin fabric. But I didn’t like how the combination looked once I had the fabric in my hands. So I made two satin dresses instead, one red and the other turquoise blue. I’ll try to do a post featuring the turquoise blue some time next week.

Next I want to try to make a royal blue gown and a yellow gown. Hopefully I can get started on that soon.

You can see some of the things I’ve made in the last few months on my Instagram (@monicacubed).

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Singer songwriter Adelamonica AKA Avenue Sixty editor in chief. Writing as Monica for The Monica Archives. Writing has always been one of my passions. In fact, when I was a teenager, I used to tell people they should remember my name, because I was going to become a famous author. I used to live to write and write to live--not in the sense of writing for income but writing to combat depression and to feel a sense of purpose. I've written novels, poems, articles and essays that I tried unsuccessfully to get published over many years starting in my teens. When I discovered blogging several ages ago, I turned to that avenue as a means of doing what I love without having to worry about publishers and their rejection letters. Modeling is also something I have always enjoyed and something I wanted very badly to do as a teenager. So badly that I used to lie and tell people I was a model. I would carry around a large portfolio style photo album and claim it was my modeling portfolio. But, as with my writing, the people with the power to make my modeling dreams come true saw nothing in me that made them stop me in the streets of New York to offer me a modeling contract with their agency. So when I discovered the ability to photograph my own self (before cell phones and selfies) I took up a hobby of pretend modeling at home and that hobby has remained with me throughout my life as a form of self expression and self therapy. I ask that you kindly excuse my lack of worldliness and any instances where I demonstrate lack of tact or lack of knowledge and even lack of basic intelligence in my writing and posing. I'm just here trying to have a little fun doing the things that make me happy. I'm just an average human for whom writing and posing and singing and dancing and the other things I do are ways I express myself and keep myself going on this ever challenging journey of life. I hope you will find something even remotely useful or interesting in the things I share.


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