How to wear your Chloe patchwork sweater

Chloe Multicoloured wool-silk patchwork sweater

While virtual window shopping on the website we came across this cute Chloe patchwork sweater.

Described as a ‘multicoloured wool-silk patchwork sweater’, this Chloe patchwork sweater comes with a $2,196.27 price tag. It’s a pretty expensive sweater. But we’re only saying that because we’re poor and can’t afford it.

The sweater features a crew neck, long sleeves and ribbed details.  It’s made from 15% silk and 95% wool.

What we love ♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ ❧

The versatility of the sweater. With all the different colors and patterns you can wear this sweater with so many different possible skirts and pants. And you can have more fun with your shoes and bag and other accessories selection.

1Outfit ideas for how to wear your Chloe patchwork sweater

This look would best suit the girl whose style isn’t about showing as much skin as possible and making sure the world knows she’s got curves to spare.

If you dress to look sexy, this look obviously won’t work for you. It’s not a sexy look.  The kind of girl we see wearing this outfit is a girl who likes to wear high fashion but prefers a more bookish style. She’s more interested in making an impression with her brain than in making an impression with her beauty and her body. Doesn’t mean she’s above playing up her beauty and her sex appeal. She just prefers to save the sexy stuff for appropriate occasions. For every day situations she chooses a less sexy but still fashionably chic style.

2The outfit details

We’ve paired the Chloe patchwork sweater with Chloe wine red silk wide leg trousers. For under the sweater we’ve chosen a Chloe nude silk Peter Pan collar blouse. Our choice of outerwear is a Chloe green cotton and wool classic coat. For footwear we’ve selected the chocolate brown Chloe lace-up leather booties. And for our bag we’ve chosen a Chloe brown calf leather ‘Hobo’ shoulder bag.

So it’s an all Chloe look, which as you can imagine, comes with a pretty exorbitant price tag.

3The price breakdown

  • Chloé wide leg trousers – $975.18
  • Chloé classic coat – $2,381.12
  • Chloé ‘Hobo’ shoulder bag – $1,890.00
  • Chloé chunky lace booties – $1,034.29
  • Chloé patchwork sweater – $2,196.27
  • Chloé Peter Pan collar blouse – $942.98

This comes to a total of 9,419.84 US$

Have you ever stepped out wearing an outfit valued at $9,419.84?

We sure haven’t ever stepped out wearing an outfit that had a combined total value of $9,419.84. It’s doubtful we’ve spent $9,419.84 on clothes over the course of our lifetime. And we’re not spring chickens. We’ve been here a minute plus.

Love/Hate this outfit idea?

We’d love to hear your thoughts on our styling suggestions.

4Discussion suggestions:

1. Would you wear this outfit we’ve put together? If yes, where might you wear this outfit? If no, what don’t you like about the outfit?

2. If you owned this sweater how would you style it?

3. Would you pay $2,196.27 for this Chloé patchwork sweater?

4. Do you think the sweater is overpriced or do you think the price is a fair and reasonable price even if it’s a price you can’t afford to pay for a sweater?



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