HomeThe Monica ArchivesThe paperbag dress by Monica for Adelamonica

The paperbag dress by Monica for Adelamonica

” I didn’t have anything to wear or money to buy anything to wear for my album cover so I decided to improvise 

adelamonica paper-bag dress fir Go With the FLow album cover

I’ve long liked to design ideas for clothing and I’ve thought about getting some of my designs manufactured. In fact, a couple years ago I was in discussion with a company about manufacturing a bodysuit I designed, but when it got to the point where I was going to need to pay them $7500 to get to the next step of the process, well–I didn’t have $7500. So that fell apart. I’d still love to get the bodysuit manufactured but, unfortunately, I still don’t have the money to do it.

The paperbag dress by Monica for Adelamonica…

As far as the paper-bag dress goes, basically I needed something to wear for my “Go With the Flow” single album cover, but I didn’t have anything in my closet and I couldn’t afford to buy anything. I was pretty bummed; but while I was in the middle of feeling sorry for myself, the thought occurred to me that there’s always something even when we think we have nothing. And since the message of the song was “Go with the Flow”, I decided that I needed to do just that. So instead of sulking over my lack of a vast and interesting wardrobe, I decided to tap into my creative essence and come up with something out of nothing.

I went into the garage and found this paper and some plastic bags. I fashioned some ideas out of both the paper bag and plastic bag and decided to go with the paper bag.

Naturally not everyone will like what I came up with for a cover, but I like it and in the end, that is what matters.

Singer songwriter Adelamonica AKA Avenue Sixty editor in chief. Writing as Monica for The Monica Archives. Writing has always been one of my passions. In fact, when I was a teenager, I used to tell people they should remember my name, because I was going to become a famous author. I used to live to write and write to live--not in the sense of writing for income but writing to combat depression and to feel a sense of purpose. I've written novels, poems, articles and essays that I tried unsuccessfully to get published over many years starting in my teens. When I discovered blogging several ages ago, I turned to that avenue as a means of doing what I love without having to worry about publishers and their rejection letters. Modeling is also something I have always enjoyed and something I wanted very badly to do as a teenager. So badly that I used to lie and tell people I was a model. I would carry around a large portfolio style photo album and claim it was my modeling portfolio. But, as with my writing, the people with the power to make my modeling dreams come true saw nothing in me that made them stop me in the streets of New York to offer me a modeling contract with their agency. So when I discovered the ability to photograph my own self (before cell phones and selfies) I took up a hobby of pretend modeling at home and that hobby has remained with me throughout my life as a form of self expression and self therapy. I ask that you kindly excuse my lack of worldliness and any instances where I demonstrate lack of tact or lack of knowledge and even lack of basic intelligence in my writing and posing. I'm just here trying to have a little fun doing the things that make me happy. I'm just an average human for whom writing and posing and singing and dancing and the other things I do are ways I express myself and keep myself going on this ever challenging journey of life. I hope you will find something even remotely useful or interesting in the things I share.

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