Tag: Victoria Beckham


How to wear your Thakoon Addition Leopard Printed Leather Collared Coat

You're ready to debut the Thakoon Addition Leopard Printed Leather Collared Coat you recently purchased so you could try out the leopard print coat...

How to wear your VICTORIA BECKHAM DENIM Super Skinny Stretch Jeans

You've decided you'll be wearing your VICTORIA BECKHAM DENIM Super Skinny Stretch Jeans to go out with your friends tonight. The question is what...

5 Green shoes outfit ideas

Have any green shoes in your closet? I don't own a pair of green shoes. I'm trying to remember if I ever owned a...

How to wear your Chloe black studded Suzanna boots

You've probably seen them on Miranda Kerr. Miranda has been seen wearing her Chloe black studded Suzanna boots on a number of different occasions...

5 tops in my designer tops wish-list

It is Sunday afternoon. I am waiting for the Serena Williams/Victoria Azarenka US Open finals match to start at 3:30PM. It is currently 3:10PM....

I want this Victoria Beckham drop waist pleated dress

Victoria Beckham Dropped Waist Pleated Dress by salimacarmichael featuring a magnetic necklace I can pay 3 months rent with the money it costs to buy...