HomeAging With MonicaSleep JournalSunday September 24th beauty sleep journal

Sunday September 24th beauty sleep journal

It is Monday night, September 25th 2017. I am going to race against the clock to try to finish and publish this sleep journal entry in the next 30 minutes. I want to go to bed by 10PM. Yesterday’s sleep was interesting. I think I got about 9 hours. Or if not exactly 9, at least 8 and some. But I hardly did any of the sleeping lying on my back. And I woke up this morning with enormous under eye bags.

I am finding that sleeping lying on my back is helpful to my looks but a difficult thing to do…

Sleeping lying on my back is proving to be quite a challenge. But I am finding that on those nights when I am able to get at least 50% of the hours of sleep done while lying on my back, I am waking up looking better in the mornings. I know what you’re thinking. I keep saying the same things over and over; but that is the purpose of this journal. It is intended for the purpose of documenting by efforts at harnessing the power of sleep, not just by trying to conquer sleeping lying on my back, but to train myself to keep to a strict bedtime (something at which I am currently failing miserably), and creating the right environment in the room where I get my sleep. So a lot of my sleep journal entries will seem like they are repeating the same things. Sleep is a pretty routine thing and not much will change from night to night.

So like I said above, although I got 8 – 9 hours of sleep on Sunday night, it wasn’t rested sleep. I tossed and turned throughout the night, and I slept mostly on my stomach with my head turned to the side on my pillow or my arms. It was interesting because when I got up at around 10AM, I actually stretched, which is a sign of having gotten a good night’s rest I’ve heard. But maybe that is not necessarily true? I certainly didn’t look or feel like I had gotten a good night’s rest. The bags under my eyes were intense. I do think, based on my observations, that under eye bags look less prominent when the head is angled upward. So there could be something to the idea that sleeping in a manner which causes the undereye bags to drop forward rather than fall inward increases the likelihood that you will wake up in the morning with giant bags under your eyes.

I am planning to put this theory to the test tonight, but of course, for me to do that, I am going to have to do  most of my sleeping lying on my back…

I hope that tonight I will get most of my sleeping lying on my back. This way I can compare my face tomorrow morning with my face this morning. I think that the later I go to bed, the harder it is for me to sleep on my back, so I definitely will need to be asleep by eleven o’clock tonight, which means I have less than 1 hour to wrap up this beauty sleep journal entry. So I will close the talk about Sunday night’s sleep for now.

I hope that you fared better than I did with sleeping on your back last night, and I wish you well in your attempts at sleeping on your back tonight. Have wonderful dreams from which you wake up smiling and feeling ready to take on the world.

This is more for myself but I share it for the benefit of anyone who might need to hear it right now: there is nothing wrong with you. Be who you are, and love who you are. When the voices in your head begin to talk and tell you things that don’t make you feel good about yourself, tell them “thank you for your input. I appreciate your feedback’. Then don’t give the things they said another thought. It can be hard to do, but don’t listen to the voices in your head or to the voices coming from the people around you when they try to tell you things that make you feel like all the world is wrong with you and you’re not good enough, and you’re not lovable or likeable. Don’t question your worth and don’t question whether or not you deserve to be happy and to have the life that you want for yourself. Sometimes people make you feel like you don’t deserve anything because you’re nobody. Those people can be near and dear to you, people that you love who may not necessarily think highly of you and love you in quite the same way that you love them. Invest your energy into loving yourself, showing yourself the compassion that you wish could be shown to you, being the friend to yourself that you with others would be to you, forgiving yourself, understanding yourself and accepting yourself in any face, at any stage.

Once again, have a successful night of sleeping on your back, or if you aren’t trying to sleep on your back, sleep well in whatever position you choose.

Peace & Love


Singer songwriter Adelamonica AKA Avenue Sixty editor in chief. Writing as Monica for The Monica Archives. Writing has always been one of my passions. In fact, when I was a teenager, I used to tell people they should remember my name, because I was going to become a famous author. I used to live to write and write to live--not in the sense of writing for income but writing to combat depression and to feel a sense of purpose. I've written novels, poems, articles and essays that I tried unsuccessfully to get published over many years starting in my teens. When I discovered blogging several ages ago, I turned to that avenue as a means of doing what I love without having to worry about publishers and their rejection letters. Modeling is also something I have always enjoyed and something I wanted very badly to do as a teenager. So badly that I used to lie and tell people I was a model. I would carry around a large portfolio style photo album and claim it was my modeling portfolio. But, as with my writing, the people with the power to make my modeling dreams come true saw nothing in me that made them stop me in the streets of New York to offer me a modeling contract with their agency. So when I discovered the ability to photograph my own self (before cell phones and selfies) I took up a hobby of pretend modeling at home and that hobby has remained with me throughout my life as a form of self expression and self therapy. I ask that you kindly excuse my lack of worldliness and any instances where I demonstrate lack of tact or lack of knowledge and even lack of basic intelligence in my writing and posing. I'm just here trying to have a little fun doing the things that make me happy. I'm just an average human for whom writing and posing and singing and dancing and the other things I do are ways I express myself and keep myself going on this ever challenging journey of life. I hope you will find something even remotely useful or interesting in the things I share.

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