Spotlight On: Konstantina Tzagaraki

Konstantina Tzagaraki from serialklother blog wearing little white dress cropped

The thing that stood out to me about Konstantina Tzagaraki who blogs via wasn’t her beauty and her style. There is no question that she is beautiful and there’s no question that she has great style.

Konstantina Tzagaraki from serialklother blog wearing black top with flowing attached scarf white cropped loose fit trousers

What really captured my attention were the inspirational quotes that she includes with many of her beautiful pictures. The quotes inspired curiosity about the person behind the pretty face and stylish clothes; and I was left with the sense that this was a woman with a beautiful inner spirit to match her outward appearance. The quotes, which are from various sources, strike a chord–especially if you are needing a little inspiration in your life and needing a reminder to dig a little bit deeper to find the will to keep on doing whatever it is you’re doing.

Konstantina Tzagaraki from serialklother blog wearing pink top black mesh skirt

Konstantina describes herself as “a big dreamer who wants to be happy…”. Someone who loves fashion and loves people. And with well over 70,000 fans following her via her lookbook page, it is clear that people love Konstantina as much as she loves them. “Amazing”, “Stunning”, “Gorgeous”, “Perfect” — these are just some of the words you’ll come across in the comments left by fans in describing Konstantina’s style. We definitely agree that Konstantina has amazing style. Here are some of our favorite of her looks.

Konstantina shows us how to wear bright red with bright yellow

Konstantina Tzagaraki from serialklother blog wearing bright yellow pants red top bright yellow jacket red louis vuitton bag

We love the way Konstantina has matched her lip color and toe paint to her top and her gorgeous red Louis Vuitton bag.

Konstantina shows us how to wear a white tuxedo vest with white ripped jeans

Konstantina Tzagaraki from serialklother blog wearing white tuxedo vest with white ripped jeans chanel bag shoes

So simple and yet so elegant – a tuxedo vest with a pair of ripped at the knees white denim jeans, a Chanel bag and a pair of Chanel pumps.

Konstantina shows us how to wear an electric blue jumpsuit

Konstantina Tzagaraki from serialklother blog wearing electric blue jumpsuit

Some people are afraid of electric bright colors. Some people are afraid to wear jumpsuits. Some people are afraid of plunging necklines. In this electric blue open cleavage jumpsuit Konstantina shows she is fearless and confident.

Konstantina shows us how to look like a Greek Goddess

Konstantina Tzagaraki from serialklother blog wearing grecian style dress and gladiator style sandals

Looking like a Greek goddess is easy for Konstantina. She is from Athens Greece so she’s got the Greek covered and every woman is a goddess if she thinks so of herself. We don’t know if Konstantina thinks of herself as a goddess but we’ve no doubt many of her admirers do see her that way. So even without the Grecian style outfit Konstantina would look like a Greek Goddess; but this outfit emphasizes the point.


For more pictures of Konstantina check out her blog at or checkout her lookbook page.



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