Sleep 101

Why do people sleep?

The simple answer to the question “Why do people sleep” is, because that’s just how it works. People sleep. All living things sleep. Even plants sleep. Sleeping is part of the process of living from day to day.

Sleep is fascinating. Think about it. Every night you are unconscious for a certain period of time. How long depends on how long you sleep. Some people get only five or six hours of sleep per night. Some people sleep for eleven and twelve hours per night. We are all unconscious at least a few hours per day every of our lives from conception until death.

But why do people sleep for real?

According to the national sleep foundation, the real answer to the question “Why do people sleep“, is still pretty much a mystery.  This is not surprising considering no one really knows for a fact why we even exist. How did we come to be here? Creationists and evolutionists are still at odds. The debate rages on because, no one can really prove their theory of how the universe came to be and how this planet Earth came to have creatures upon it called people.

But the national sleep foundation informs us that, while the answer to the question “Why do people sleep?” is still very much a mystery, there are some things that are known for a fact about sleep. Scientists don’t so much know exactly why we are made the way we are made, which, if they don’t even know why we’re made as we’re made, how can they know why we sleep? But they do know enough to tell us how we benefit from sleep. And the answer to the question “why do people sleep” might lie in the answer to the question of what are the benefits of sleep?

Okay then, so what do the benefits of sleep tell us that help us to answer the question why do people sleep?

Here is an excerpt from a National Sleep Foundation article titled “Why Do We Need Sleep?

One of the vital roles of sleep is to help us solidify and consolidate memories. As we go about our day, our brains take in an incredible amount of information. Rather than being directly logged and recorded, however, these facts and experiences first need to be processed and stored; and many of these steps happen while we sleep. Overnight, bits and pieces of information are transferred from more tentative, short-term memory to stronger, long-term memory—a process called “consolidation.” Researchers have also shown that after people sleep, they tend to retain information and perform better on memory tasks. Our bodies all require long periods of sleep in order to restore and rejuvenate, to grow muscle, repair tissue, and synthesize hormones. (source article)

Benefits of sleep

Here are some of the benefits of getting adequate and healthy sleep every day.

  • Heightened mental capacity – sleep helps your brain function closer to the level that it’s capable
  • Getting adequate sleep every day can help prolong your life (it’s interesting to note that, according to reports, getting more sleep than needed is as bad for you as getting less sleep than needed)
  • Improved system functioning – the right amount of “healthy” sleep helps your body to function more optimally and helps you fight off illnesses
  • Sharpens your mind, strengthens and invigorates your body so that you perform better in tests of mental and physical acumen
  • Natural stress management method
  • Natural anti-depressant
  • Adequate and healthful sleep can even help you achieve your weight loss goals
  • And let’s not forget that adequate and healthful sleep is a natural anti-aging remedy. Be sure that, for these benefits, you are using the right beauty pillow.
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