HomeAging With MonicaSleep JournalOf all the beauty pillows in the world

Of all the beauty pillows in the world

There are many different brands and styles of beauty pillows available for you to buy, so…

Of all the beauty pillows in the world, which of the beauty pillows are worth buying?

We haven’t tried all the beauty pillows in the world, but we intend to try out as many as we can of the beauty pillows that are being marketed as anti-aging, anti wrinkle sleeping pillows. We plan to try as many of the available beauty pillows as we can afford to try and to review them thoroughly; but for now, any pillows we have not tried, we can only review the claims that are being made by the makers of these beauty pillows and we can only rely on the reviews that are being left by actual customers, for insight into whether or not these beauty pillows are worth buying. Any pillows that we do try, we will write thorough reviews about them, so keep checking back for our updated beauty pillow reviews.

Click any link below for our JuveRest sleep wrinkle pillow review series

  1. The Juverest sleep wrinkle pillow trial is on…
  2. Juverest Sleep wrinkle pillow review night 1
  3. Juverest Sleep wrinkle pillow review night 2
  4. JuveRest sleep wrinkle pillow review night 3
  5. JuveRest sleep wrinkle pillow review night 4

Nurse Jamie Beauty Bear™ Age Delay Pillow

The claims on the Nurse Jamie website are that the Nurse Jamie Beauty Bear age delay pillow is the “ultimate anti wrinkle pillow for minimizing sleep lines and wrinkles while you sleep”.

Nurse Jamie purple beauty bear age delay pillow 2The nurse Jamie beauty pillow is said to “fight wrinkles while you sleep”.  The Beauty Bear age delay pillow is described as being an “innovative anti-wrinkle pillow”. It is claimed that this pillow will help you to “reinforce good sleeping habits” and “dream your way to more youthful looking skin”. The pillow has a U-shaped design that is intended to cradle your face and neck. The pillow has a silky satin finish which is said to be able support “even the most delicate of skin types”.

From the nursejamie.com website: Did you know that the number 3 cause of premature aging is poor sleeping habits, including sleep position. This unique anti-aging pillow can improve the quality of your rest and helps minimize sleep lines that can be etched into the skin from side sleeping. Achieve healthier, more rested looking skin overnight and start getting the most out of your beauty rest.

The pillow specs as listed on the nursejamie.com website:

  • Helps minimize sleep lines and wrinkles
  • Silky, Satin pillowcase for delicate skin
  • Helps provide neck and lumbar support
  • Convenient and easy for travel

According to the claims on the website nursejamie.com, the following celebrities use and love Nurse Jamie products, presumably including the Beauty Bear age delay pillow

  • Jessica Alba (“Love me some Nurse Jamie Beauty Tools!”)
  • Kirsten Dunst (“Jamie is so skilled at what she does and I trust her.”)
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt (“Nurse Jamie is my face and body guru. She rocks!”)
  • Katherine Jenkins (“I can’t travel without my Nurse Jamie Hydratight Mask – its the perfect remedy after a long flight.”)
  • Shay Mitchell (“She’s my beauty champion, I love all her beauty gadgets.”)
  • Maria Menounos (“I’m obsessed with my Nurse Jamie Beauty Pillow”)
  • Kim Kardashian (“Obssessed”)
  • Sara Foster  (“Meet my good genetics, her name is Nurse Jamie”)
  • Jenna Dewan (“If there was an elixir of youth it would be named Nurse Jamie!”)
  • Shanna Moakler (“Not only do I send my daughters to Nurse Jamie, I also send my pageant contestants.”)
  • Khloe Kardashian (“My Skin Whisperer, Nurse Jamie” I call the UpLift my “magic wand of beauty”.)
  • Kourtney Kardashian (“One of me and Khloé’s favorite things to do is to spend our Sundays with Nurse Jamie… “The WAND baby!”)
  • Hayley Duff (“Nurse Jamie is my skincare guru! She’s fun, positive and I totally trust her with my skin. She is a beauty genius!”)
  • Giuliana Rancic (“Nurse Jamie is my go-to for looking youthful and natural.”)
  • Nicole Richie
  • Paris Hilton
  • Tati Westbrook

The photographs used of all the ladies above show them looking young and flawless; but does that mean if you use the Nurse Jamie age delay beauty pillow you will look as youthful and flawless as these women? We certainly have no idea. But to hear them rave, we’re definitely curious to try some Nurse Jamie beauty products including the Beauty Bear Age delay pillow.

The Wrinkle Prevention pillow by Patty Colman

Another of all the beauty pillows in the world is the “Wrinkle Prevention pillow by Patty Colman”.

Patty Colman is described on the website as a beauty sleep expert and the president of About Face Products. It is claimed on the website wrinklepreventionpillow.com that this pillow has a unique and patented design that supports and cradles your head, allowing you to sleep in any position without smashing your face into the pillow.

It is also claimed the pillow will also help to prevent puffiness of the eyes, and chest wrinkles. Both men and women can use it, regardless of skin type, and not only will it naturally help to prevent sleep lines and wrinkles while you sleep, it claims to protect your hair from snagging, especially so if you have hair extensions and the ‘Brazilian Blowout’. And if you happen to have eyelash extensions, the Patty Colman wrinkle prevention pillow will also protect your eyelash extensions by ensuring that your eyes and eyelashes don’t smash into the pillow.

Again according to the details on the website, this pillow works regardless how you sleep. So it’s not one of those beauty pillows that requires you to retrain yourself to sleep on your back. You can apparently still sleep on your stomach or on your sides; but it is is simultaneously claimed that the patented design of the pillow makes sleeping on your back more natural and comfortable.

From the website wrinklepreventionpillow.com

  • The pillow helps to prevent eye puffiness by slightly elevating your head
  • The Wrinkle Prevention Pillow is a natural way to help prevent permanent sleep lines and wrinkles while you sleep. Its unique patented design supports and cradles your head so you can sleep in any position and your face will not smash into the pillow.
  • The pillow helps prevent chest wrinkles. The patented design of the pillow has a contoured center, which makes sleeping on your back more natural and comfortable. Sleeping on your back is the best way to prevent chest wrinkles.
  • Products will last longer and be more beneficial as they will not rub off on the pillow.
  • The Wrinkle Prevention Pillow is perfect for all skin types, and can be used by women and men.
  • The pillow helps extend the benefits of any treatment or procedure as you are not putting pressure on your face.

Are Beauty Pillows Just a fad?

How can a pillow help you fight wrinkles? The idea seems preposterous if you take the claims from some of the manufacturers of beauty pillows seriously. Some of them seem to be suggesting that their beauty pillows can help get rid of your wrinkles. But if anti-wrinkle creams laced with strong chemicals can’t get rid of your wrinkles, how can a pillow or a pillow case do it?

The truth is, a beauty pillow will not get rid of wrinkles you already have. Neither will a pillow case that is designed specifically to be used as an anti aging tool. It’s simply impossible for a beauty pillow or a beauty pillowcase to get rid of wrinkles you already have. The idea behind beauty pillows and pillow cases designed to be used for anti aging, is that they will help you to fight back against unnatural wrinkles like the wrinkles caused by pressing your face out of shape when you smash it against your pillow sleeping on your stomach or on your sides. Products that claim they can help reverse existing wrinkles should be scrutinized.

And you should not expect that just because you sleep on a beauty pillow or you use a beauty pillow case that you won’t get wrinkles. The wrinkles that will happen due to the natural aging process will still happen. It’s the extra stuff that happens because of your lifestyle and habits, including sleeping in a way that accelerates the wrinkling of your face, those are the wrinkles that these beauty pillows and pillow cases are designed to help prevent or minimize.

Back to Beauty Anti wrinkle head cradle beauty pillow

With a slogan that states they are “Saving Faces Around the World, One Pillow at a Time”, the makers of the Back to Beauty Anti wrinkle head cradle, say that their pillow will softly, yet securely, cradle your head and neck “to prevent your head from falling side-to-side”, and to keep your “delicate facial skin from being touched and damaged during sleep”. They say that you will feel secure without putting any weight on your face. Not only will the Back to Beauty Anti wrinkle head cradle aide your quest to prevent sleep wrinkles (as per the claim on the company’s website), the pillow will also “prevents you from giving yourself neck, chest, and breast wrinkles while you are sleeping”. It will also help prevent acne that is caused by bacteria that gets to your face because you sleep with your face on your pillow. And it helps to train you to sleep on your back.

Sleeping on your back is recommended for maximizing the benefits of beauty pillows.

Other claims made by the manufacturers about the benefits of the Back to Beauty Anti wrinkle head cradle:

  • Face lotions will be left undisturbed during sleep, allowing them to do their job.
  • Hair won’t get flattened from weight of head during sleep.
  • Hypoallergenic down alternative fiber retains luxurious feel and fluffiness.
  • Extended base design provides neck support without being too bulky; conforms for a personal fit.
  • Can be used alone or on top of your favorite pillow(s).
  • Compact size allows versatility in use and packs easily for travel.​

Do beauty pillows replace the need for anti aging anti wrinkle creams?

You’ve probably come across one or more articles on the internet in which it is suggested that beauty pillows are so fantastic they can replace your anti aging anti wrinkle creams to become your one secret weapon in your fight against acne and wrinkles. But is this really true? Since we here at Best Beauty Pillow have not put this claim to the test ourselves, we’re not going to come right out and say it’s a false claim; but it does seem to us like it would be a bit of a stretch to suggest that a pillow can cure your acne and remove or prevent your wrinkles. We do agree that it matters how you sleep and what you sleep on. If you’re rubbing your face all over a dirty pillow case at night while you sleep, don’t be surprised to wake up the next morning with an acne breakout. If you’re sleeping on a pillow material that is notorious for not being gentle on the delicate skin of your face, expect not to look like Sleeping Beauty awakened after 100 years of a peaceful coma-like sleep still aged 16 and supple with youth and vitality.

You’re probably going to still need your anti aging anti wrinkle creams. A beauty pillow is not a magic pillow. It’s still just a pillow. So it’s highly unlikely that by themselves, even the best beauty pillows can work any major wonders such as erasing your existing wrinkles and helping you look 20 years old when you’re 70.  But a good beauty pillow might help you not to look 55 years old when you’re 40. Or 45 years old when you’re 35, or 35 years old when you’re 25, of 60 years old when you’re 50,  or 80 years old when you’re 60.

Save My Face Le Grand White Satin Pillow

The claim on this pillow is that it will suspend your face while you are stomach or side sleeping, and by doing so, will “reduce facial compression which can cause wrinkling and premature aging”. The makers also claim that this pillow will help to improve breathing by opening your nasal passages.

This anti-wrinkle beauty pillow is available via Amazon.com

The Save My Face pillow was invented by Linda May-Randell, who is described in the “About Us” page on the website savemyface.com as a former understudy to Suzanne Somers and to dancer Juliette Prowse.

Thirty years in the entertainment business has given Linda invaluable hands-on experience and the ability to survive a “business” that callously boasts that it can easily replace your talents at anytime. Even so, Linda’s credits have included: The Los Angeles Ballet, Principal Dancer with The Las Vegas Hilton, understudy to Suzanne Somers and dancer Juliet Prowse and a 5-year run as “Cassandra” in the world-famous musical “Cats.” At the age of 14 Linda won the National Talent Search conducted by Dance Masters of America. (source)


Suggested reads about beauty pillows:

Pillow Talk: Here Are the Best Pillows for Beauty and Health – an article written by Ronke Idowu Reeves February 10, 2017 in which the author shares her picks for the best pillows for beauty and health. Her choices:

  • About Face Wrinkle Prevention Memory Foam Pillow which she calls “Economical, Compact & Most Comfortable”
  • Nurse Jamie Beauty Bear Age Delay Pillow
  • Save My Face Pillow The Original Anti-Wrinkle Pillowette
  • Juverest Sleep Wrinkle Pillow

(Source article)

Anti Aging Pillow, A Dream Come True for Wrinkles? Via skinkissable.com – this is another article that compares the more popular brands of beauty pillows in exploring the question “Could an anti aging pillow make us look younger and wrinkle free?”

We all already know the answer to the question–no your anti wrinkle pillow will not make you look younger necessarily and definitely not wrinkle free. If you look 35, you’re not going to start looking 25 just because you are sleeping with a beauty pillow. But your anti wrinkle pillow might help to safeguard against you getting the avoidable sleep wrinkles that might cause you to look older sooner. So if you’re 35 and you’re not wanting to look 45 by the time you’re 36, maybe that’s where an anti-wrinkle pillow might be able to help. But it won’t have any impact on the wrinkles that you’re just naturally going to get. You’ll need something more than just a beauty pillow to fight nature.

How to have great skin well into your 70s

We know a 68 year old lady who has really great skin. She does not own a beauty pillow. She’s a side-sleeper. Sometimes she even sleeps on her stomach. Yet, her face is virtually wrinkle-free. Her neck looks amazing and so does her chest. We’re sure some of it is just her DNA. But most of it is due to a lifetime of taking care of her skin. She’s not eating anything special. She’s not a health nut or an exercise fanatic. She’s just had a consistent unwavering skincare routine since she was in your late teens. For many of us, it might seem like it’s too late to start; but it’s really not. Even if you are already damaged, restoration and repair is possible without needing to make drastic life changes.

Here are some suggestions for how to have great skin well into your 70s (the younger you are, the better results you will have so don’t think this does not apply to you just because you are bursting with youth and only 20.

  • Begin with the purchase of a beauty pillow or specialized pillow cases to use on your regular pillow (find a beauty pillow on amazon.com). Remember that you will need to replace your beauty pillow or pillow cases occasionally just the same as you would your ordinary pillow. And if you are using an ordinary pillow but you are not regularly replacing it, start doing that today. Don’t use the same pillow and pillow cases for years at a time.
  • If you’re not drinking plenty of water begin to do this. It’s true about water. Drinking plenty of water every day will help your skin to look healthy.
  • Get a good night’s rest (this means enough hours of sleep and a good quality sleep)
  • Walk around with a collagen mist and spray your face often throughout the day. You can always make your own collagen mist by purchasing cosmetic grade collagen. For a more robust mist, add some elastin and aloe vera powder to the mixture. Consider also adding some hyaluronic acid and some papain powder, but keep in mind that papain powder is said to slow hair growth. So if you are simultaneously trying to grow your eyelashes and/or your eyebrows, you might want to think twice about the papain powder. However, papain powder is great for evening your skin tone and helping to tighten your skin
  • Use makeup that works with, instead of against, your skin to improve your skin health.
  • Consume good proteins. If inclined, use collagen and gelatin supplements. Collagen is amazing for helping to bring back that youthful glow and vitality to your skin. Not all collagen is created equal, so you might have to try a number of brands to find the one that works for you. And keep in mind that some things that work for others might not work for you; but don’t be above trying something that sounds unlikely to work. We’re told many things that really aren’t true, including that certain things cannot ever go away once we have them. Maybe it’s true that certain things will never completely go away; but for many of the things we think we’re stuck with, there are natural remedies and products that can help us get rid of them or minimize their negative impact.
  • Use sunscreen – protecting your skin from sun damage is very important. If you tend to forget about sunblock, try to buy products that come with some amount of SPF so that you are protecting your skin even if only just a little bit
  • Have a day and night skin care regimen. Especially at night when you are sleeping, this is the time to really treat your skin. And it’s not too late to start. If you’re not sold on the beauty pillows idea, at the very least make sure you have pillow cases that will be good to your face. Figure out what your skin needs most and find products that are developed for night use. Use them as part of your nightly skincare regimen. There is no better feel than the feeling of waking up refreshed from a good night’s sleep and looking in the mirror and seeing a fresh face even before you have performed your daily skincare rituals.
  • Have reasonable expectations. Only DNA is going to cause you to look 20 years old when you’re 40 years old or 35 when you’re 50. Be reasonable in your expectations. Make it your goal to look your best. Don’t aim for crazy results like transforming your skin from it’s aging state to something comparable to a fifteen year old with great skin. Aim for healthy skin, but understand that the health of your skin is a unique to you and where you are in your life. You’re not going to have the skin you had when you were 25 at 55 no matter what the products claim. Maybe you can look like your 25 year old self at 35. That wouldn’t be too unreasonable. But it gets harder as you get older. It will be easier to still look like your 25 year old self at 25, than to look like your 35 year old self at 45. So temper your expectations and don’t spend your life-savings hoping for miracles.
  • Pursue happiness (joy is an amazing beauty enhancer)

    Image via Amazon.com


Singer songwriter Adelamonica AKA Avenue Sixty editor in chief. Writing as Monica for The Monica Archives. Writing has always been one of my passions. In fact, when I was a teenager, I used to tell people they should remember my name, because I was going to become a famous author. I used to live to write and write to live--not in the sense of writing for income but writing to combat depression and to feel a sense of purpose. I've written novels, poems, articles and essays that I tried unsuccessfully to get published over many years starting in my teens. When I discovered blogging several ages ago, I turned to that avenue as a means of doing what I love without having to worry about publishers and their rejection letters. Modeling is also something I have always enjoyed and something I wanted very badly to do as a teenager. So badly that I used to lie and tell people I was a model. I would carry around a large portfolio style photo album and claim it was my modeling portfolio. But, as with my writing, the people with the power to make my modeling dreams come true saw nothing in me that made them stop me in the streets of New York to offer me a modeling contract with their agency. So when I discovered the ability to photograph my own self (before cell phones and selfies) I took up a hobby of pretend modeling at home and that hobby has remained with me throughout my life as a form of self expression and self therapy. I ask that you kindly excuse my lack of worldliness and any instances where I demonstrate lack of tact or lack of knowledge and even lack of basic intelligence in my writing and posing. I'm just here trying to have a little fun doing the things that make me happy. I'm just an average human for whom writing and posing and singing and dancing and the other things I do are ways I express myself and keep myself going on this ever challenging journey of life. I hope you will find something even remotely useful or interesting in the things I share.

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