Juverest Sleep wrinkle pillow review night 2


I have used my Juverest Sleep wrinkle pillow for a second night and here is my Juverest Sleep wrinkle pillow review for night 2

I will start my night two Juverest Sleep wrinkle pillow review by repeating what I said in my night one review. This pillow is significantly overpriced. No disrespect to the people behind it, but there’s nothing about this pillow that’s worth $160. Having said that, I have only just obtained my JuveRest sleep wrinkle pillow and I have only used it for 2 nights so far. Maybe by the time I have been using it for 30 days my opinion will change. From an aesthetic perspective, this is not an attractive pillow, especially with the default pillow case with which it comes. It looks very low end and cheap. Not that I purchased it because I wanted a high end pillow. I purchased it because I wanted a pillow that would help me train myself to sleep on my back.

So let’s talk about the JuveRest pillow’s back training capabilities.

anti wrinkle pillows - JuveRest The Sleep Wrinkle Pillow
Image via juverest.com

In the night one Juverest Sleep wrinkle pillow review I said that the pillow was at least appearing to serve the purpose for which it was purchased. I slept mostly on my back on night 1. The same is true for night 2. I slept mostly on my back, but night two was a lot more difficult than night 1. For me the pillow is very uncomfortable, and the reason I ended up sleeping mostly on my back on night one and night two is because it’s the least uncomfortable position in which to sleep while using this pillow (at least for me). However, because it’s the least uncomfortable position does not mean it’s a comfortable position. It’s was not a comfortable sleep. And I have some slight neck strain at the present moment that is the result of using the JuveRest pillow. I’ll assume that it’s me misusing the pillow and not the pillow causing neck strain. In the first place I have the pillow propped on top of another pillow.

Tonight I will try it without propping it up on another pillow to see if that is the reason for the neck strain.

For the most part I wouldn’t say the experience with the pillow is the most uncomfortable experience with a pillow ever. I haven’t yanked it out from under my head and tossed it across the room yet. And I tend to do that a lot with pillows. But I did take my head off of it a few times and had to remind myself why I was using it. At which point I put my head back on the pillow.

As for the smell I mentioned in my night one Juverest Sleep wrinkle pillow review, spraying the pillow with Lysol turned out to be a bad idea. All it did was create a new smell that was equally difficult to tolerate. And if you’ve read my list of ways to fall asleep and stay asleep at night, you know I included

I didn’t look the worse ever when I woke up this morning. Although I didn’t get the amount of sleep I needed and although I didn’t sleep soundly through the night, the bags under my eyes weren’t too outrageous this morning and I didn’t look as much like a Shar-Pei at the end of it’s life as I often do when I wake up in the mornings. But I don’t know that I can attribute that entirely (if at all) to two nights of sleeping mostly on my back. I’ve been going pretty hard at the effort to improve my appearance lately. And it would be true to say that things had begun to show tiny signs of improvement before I received the JuveRest Pillow. But I do think that the back sleeping helps a lot. So I’m going to stop short of completely trashing the JuveRest Pillow. Because I bought it so it could help me sleep on my back and it appears to be doing just that. I will say that, if at the end of 30 days I can directly attribute any lasting improvements to my appearance to the JuveRest Pillow, I will have no regrets over spending $160 to purchase it. But for now, I am still shocked that the thing you see in the picture above is what I received for my $160 purchase.

I will try to write Juverest Sleep wrinkle pillow review for each of the next 28 nights to give a daily update of my experience with the pillow. I can’t promise that I won’t skip a day or two. I will try really hard not to skip any days, but if you’ve noticed, I can disappear for months at a time.

If you own a JuveRest pillow I am sure there are people who would love to hear about your experience, so don’t hesitate to leave a comment sharing your opinion about this beauty pillow or any other beauty pillow/sleep wrinkle pillow/anti aging pillow that you use.

I remind those of you who are struggling to improve your appearance, you really are beautiful just the way you are. That’s kind of important for you to include in your fight–some self therapy that is geared towards helping you accept and love yourself no matter how you look. You can do both things at the same time. You can work to try to improve your appearance while simultaneously working to re-program yourself to learn to love yourself regardless if you wake up in the morning looking like a super model or you wake up looking like a Shar-Pei dog.  Your mental attitude is a weapon in this fight. Hanging your head down only emphasizes the things that are causing you to hang your head down to begin with. Keep your head up. Brightly shining happy eyes and a warm smile will do more for you than the tightest skin you’ve ever had in your life achieved at the cost of never looking alive again.

Sleep tight…



Note: This was originally published on bestbeautypillow.com. Bestbeautypillow.com has moved to avenuesixty.com

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Singer songwriter Adelamonica AKA Avenue Sixty editor in chief. Writing as Monica for The Monica Archives. Writing has always been one of my passions. In fact, when I was a teenager, I used to tell people they should remember my name, because I was going to become a famous author. I used to live to write and write to live--not in the sense of writing for income but writing to combat depression and to feel a sense of purpose. I've written novels, poems, articles and essays that I tried unsuccessfully to get published over many years starting in my teens. When I discovered blogging several ages ago, I turned to that avenue as a means of doing what I love without having to worry about publishers and their rejection letters. Modeling is also something I have always enjoyed and something I wanted very badly to do as a teenager. So badly that I used to lie and tell people I was a model. I would carry around a large portfolio style photo album and claim it was my modeling portfolio. But, as with my writing, the people with the power to make my modeling dreams come true saw nothing in me that made them stop me in the streets of New York to offer me a modeling contract with their agency. So when I discovered the ability to photograph my own self (before cell phones and selfies) I took up a hobby of pretend modeling at home and that hobby has remained with me throughout my life as a form of self expression and self therapy. I ask that you kindly excuse my lack of worldliness and any instances where I demonstrate lack of tact or lack of knowledge and even lack of basic intelligence in my writing and posing. I'm just here trying to have a little fun doing the things that make me happy. I'm just an average human for whom writing and posing and singing and dancing and the other things I do are ways I express myself and keep myself going on this ever challenging journey of life. I hope you will find something even remotely useful or interesting in the things I share.


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