How to wear a V Neck Cashmere Sweater


We came across a cute V Neck Cashmere Sweater while browsing the website.

The Pure Collection V Neck Cashmere Sweater (with product code LK-T47) is described as being a sweater that “epitomises pared back style”. It’s a 100% cashmere sweater that comes in the colors Blue Sapphire, black, Classic Grey, Grey Camel and red berry.

We love the way the sweater is styled in these pics from Pure Collection. These for sure reflect a nice casual “pared back” style.

If you’re a lady over 35 trying to find a style that won’t get you accused of not being age appropriately dressed but on the other hand won’t make you look like a dowdy frump who has given up all vanity because you’re no longer 25, we think the Pure Collection style is something to look at.

Pure Collection V Neck Cashmere Sweater with product code LK-T47 model wearing black
Image via

In the first look the model is wearing the redberry version of the Pure Collection V Neck Cashmere Sweater with casual gray tweed pants. If we were wearing this combination we would probably wear a pair of black leather ankle boots with at least a 3-inch heel. To keep the look pared back we’d go for block heels on the ankle boots. To make it a little sleeker and sexier we’d choose stiletto heels of at least 4 inches in height. We love the featured models over-sized sunglasses. A shoulder bag is the perfect choice to keep the look casually laid back.

Suggested Shoulder Bag

Emilio Pucci Mini Janis Black & Ivory Leather Shoulder Bag

In the second look the model wears the black version of the Pure Collection V Neck Cashmere Sweater with beige jeans. We’d go with oxford style flats or canvas style leather sneakers for this look. Or maybe a pair of Timbalands or similar styled lace-up rubber-soled boots?

This V Neck Cashmere Sweater comes with a $148 price tag.

The seller’s description:

Polished and sophistcated in cosy cashmere this V-Neck sweater epitomises pared back style. Team with jeans for a casual off duty look or dress up with a smart pencil skirt and heels.


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