I recently bought myself a red dress which I styled with silver accessories. I took some photos in the dress and got some feedback that I shouldn’t have painted my nails red. Apparently red is not the best color nail polish for a red dress silver accessories combination.
So what is the best color nail polish for a red dress worn with silver accessories? I did a little digging around in Google search to find suggestions for the best color nail polish suiting a red dress worn with silver accessories. So far I’ve found a few active discussions on the topic of what color nail polish suits a red dress.
I’m a red nail polish kind of girl…
When I paint my nails it never occurs to me to wonder what people are going to think about the color of the polish I’m wearing on my nails and whether or not it goes with my clothes. More often than not I don’t even bother to polish my nails; but now that I’m going to start to promote my music, I have to start thinking about these details. According to what I’ve read, some people think it’s a definite mistake to color your nails red if your dress is red. But others see no problem with it. Frankly I think you should do whatever you want because there are no rules. There’s only conformity. People go along with the masses because they are afraid of what other people are going to think and say. As far as I’m concerned, it’s perfectly okay to wear red nail polish with a red dress. But you probably want to make sure the red is not the same color as the dress. If you want your nail color matching your dress color, it’s nobody’s business to tell you it doesn’t look good to them. Especially if you never asked them in the first place.
Is silver the best nail color for a red dress?
I eventually retook the pictures in my red dress and painted my nails silver. I think the silver worked well with the red dress silver accessories combination. Would I say silver is the best nail color for a red dress worn with silver accessories? Again, that is subjective. I’m sure there are people who will say it’s not. It’s a matter of opinion. In my opinion the silver worked for me. At the end of the day you’re not dressing to please other people. So why are you going to put their opinion above your own?
Nude nails for a red dress?
Some people suggest nude as the best color nail polish for a red dress, but I can’t see that working for me. Besides, finding the right nude shade for your skin tone sounds way too involved. On the website Julep.com I came across an article titled “How to Find the Best Nude Nail Polish for Your Skin Tone“. In case you’re looking for the answer you can find their article here. Personally, I don’t need to make so much of an ordeal out of finding the best nail color for my red dress. Their 3 commandments of nude nail polish are cute; but I don’t really need all that drama. So I’ll save myself the trouble of buying the wrong nude nail polish by not going with a nude nail polish at all.
I have to say though, those chocolate shades of nude nail polish that they recommend for dark skin get me real excited. And I can see the darker shades working as a nice contrast to the bright red.

Gold nails for a red dress?
Gold has elsewhere been suggested as the best color nail polish for a red dress. When I try to envision it my head automatically shakes from side to side. But I believe you should always try something before you knock it. Deciding something won’t work just because you can’t imagine it working is not a smart way to know that something isn’t right for you. That’s my philosophy. Try it before you knock it. So maybe one of these days I’ll try gold nails with a red dress. (Shop gold nail polish at Nordstrom) **Link is an affiliate link.
Black nails for a red dress?
Is black the best color nail polish for a red dress accessorized with silver accessories?
Black is another nail color that has been suggested as a good option for painting your nails when you’re wearing a red dress accessorized with silver jewelry. I can see this working, particularly if you’re wearing black shoes. But I read somewhere that black is not the most flattering color shoes to wear with a red dress. Again, these things are subjective and shouldn’t be taken for facts. If you want to wear black shoes with your red dress and paint your nails neon green, that’s your right. Do what you want. You only live once.
How about white nails?
White is another good option if you’re trying to decide on the best color nail polish for a red dress. Do a google image search for white nails red dress and you’ll find some interesting ideas.
So to wrap it up, here are my suggestions for the best color nail polish for your red dress silver accessories combination:
- white nail polish
- black nail polish
- silver nail polish
- nude nail polish
- gold nail polish
But like I said above, wear whatever color nail polish you want to wear. Blue nail polish, neon green nail polish, pink nail polish, purple nail polish, yellow nail polish, no nail polish — they are your fingers, it’s your life. Do whatever you want.