Brigitte Evans

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The DOs and DON’Ts of Choosing Your Wedding Dress

Picking a dress for the most glamorous day of your life is not an easy job. It’s even more difficult when you have so...

Learn How to Love and Accept Your Body Again

Most of us mere mortals have had a love-hate relationship with our own self-perception. It’s no wonder when you take into account all the...

Match your Workout to your Personality Type

If you have the choice to lay and watch the TV or go to the gym, for most of us it is an easy...

How to Make Bold Fashion Choices

This year has brought so many surprises into the fashion world, and may we just say that the best is yet to come. Celebs...

Innovative New Beauty Treatments

In the age of the technological revolution, beauty treatments haven’t missed out on innovations either. For those of you who haven’t been following the...

8 Fashion and Beauty Essentials to Pack in Your Beach Bag

The beach might be the most casual of all places you can go to, but that doesn’t mean you don’t get to look stylish...